This is a site-specific projected animation for the Porwli festival of Light in Port Louis, Mauritius that had a public engagement of all ages in mind. With the overall theme 'Nature' in mind, the animation worked with dancer Vishanthi Kali's search to explore how the human body can connect with natural forces larger than, yet connected to, itself. It attempted to visualise these connections to nature through a mixed media and compositional approach to animation.
The animation was video mapped onto the old Military Hospital in the city so as to highlight heritage architectural spaces that are largely neglected. The festival aimed to breath new life into the site with the theme 'nature' and within the site the Electrocaine collective also installed two projects (left door/right door on the lower floor).
I worked with local botanists to find flora specific to the island for the visuals.
Performance collaborator: Vishanthi Kali